Once you are back here, double check that the Texture Type is Single Texture, and click on the square with the green outline.
This will bring up the texture selection menu. Select your texture and it will now show up in that square.
Once this is done, click next page. Do not edit any other properties in this menu as it can make your block not work properly.
The next screen will let you change the core properties of your block. There are a couple things to highlight. The “Hardness” refers to how long it takes to break a block, while the “Harvest Level” determines if you can break it with your hand, stone, iron, or diamond. If you really want to modify the “drop amount”, make sure you keep it under five. Once you are done, click next page.
This next screen lets you choose if you want particles on your block. For now, skip this and just click next page.
This next screen lets you modify a few more advanced settings on the block. For now, skip this and click next page.