Step 3 – Change Text Size

Increase TextLabel Size

  1. Select your TextLabel located in the Shop>BuyButton>SurfaceGUI>TextLabel in the Explorer Window.
  2. Rename the TextLabel to BuyText.
  3. Open the Properties window for BuyText.
  4. Goto the Data category, scroll down, and find the Size section.
  5. Click the Arrow next to Size.
  6. Click the arrow for both X and Y.
  7. Change the Offset for both X and Y to 0.
  8. Change the Scale for both X and Y to 0.5.

Change the AnchorPoint

  1. Scroll up in Data and find the AnchorPoint section.
  2. Click the drop down arrow.
  3. Change X and Y to 0.5.

Position the Text

  1. Scroll down in Data and find the Position section.
  2. Drop down the arrow for X and Y.
  3. Change the Scale for X and Y to 0.5. Leave Offset to 0.

Change the Text

  1. Scroll down to find the Text category.
  2. Find the Text section and click on it.
  3. Change the text to whatever you want your shop to display.
  4. Scroll down and check box TextScaled.