Step 2: Adding Difficulty to the “Power” Mechanic


As of right now, the game doesn’t really feel that fun. It is super easy and not very engaging, the hammer just goes up every time.

Next we’re going to add a timed subtraction from our “Power” variable, this will make it so our “Power” gets lower if we don’t press space fast enough, which makes it a lot more fun and challenging.

Note how we only do this if we have a “Power” > 0. Why do we do this?


  1. First select the “Hammer” sprite
  2. From Control place an “if then” block inside the repeat until block
  3. From Operators place a > (greater than) block inside the if then block
  4. From Variables place “Power:” on the left side of the > block
  5. Type in 0 on the right side of the > block
  6. From Variables place a change by block inside the if statement
  7. Inside that change by block, make sure “Power:” is selected, and set the number to -1
  8. From Control place a wait block and set it to 0.75 seconds


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