IPSF & School Policies

The mission of the Irvine Public Schools Foundation is to enrich the educational experience of each child in every school. We do this by providing programs, raising funds, and uniting the community in support of educational excellence.

Arrives daily at least 15 minutes prior to the start of class  

Utilizes this time to prepare all materials and activities for the day Check email daily prior to the start of class 

  • Signs in at the front office, checks mailbox, and collects student lanyards daily  Conduct yourself as an IPSF representative  

Dress code: semi casual (school appropriate clothes)  

IPSF polo shirt on first day of each session and Fridays  

IPSF orange lanyard with ID badge to be worn at all times 

  • Interfaces with parents/guardians as needed concerning student conducts, health, and  performance  

Maintains a safe and clean work environment for both staff and students

2021 Dates 

  • Session A: June 13 – July 2 
  • Session B: July 9 – July 26 
  • 9-12 Session: June 11 – July 24 (no classes July 3-5) 
  • Specialty Camps June 17 – August 16 


  • Cadence Park, Canyon View, College Park, Eastwood, Oak Creek, Stonegate,  and University Park 
  • Lakeside, Rancho, and Sierra Vista 
  • Irvine High School 

Various locations for Specialty Camps

Classroom move-in – 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 

  • Receive classroom assignments, check out keys, and move into your classroom to  prepare for the first day 
  • Test any electronic equipment (projector, doc cam, Chromebooks, Wi-Fi, etc.) Non-IUSD Instructors will need additional credentials for school Wi-Fi and equipment Fill out a Classroom Quality Checklist form 

Work out any additional needs with your site administrator or clerk

Grade Levels 

  • Classes are designed to group similar ages and levels together and all classes are for enrichment only. We do not allow students to register out of their appropriate grade/age level in order to maintain a positive learning environment. 

Students enrolled in an incorrect class will result in being dropped and will  not receive a refund


  • Students are encouraged to arrive on time and attend all classes. IPSF  understands that other activities arise during summer and students may be absent. Students will not be dropped from their classes for absences. 
  • For safety reasons, attendance will still be taken each day and reported to the site clerk. Parents of absent students will be contacted to verify the absence

Refunds & Class Changes 

  • While we do not offer class changes or refunds after the deadline, we  encourage parents to communicate any issues directly with you and school  administrators 

Administrators and the program manager will observe classes and work  with families and instructors to come up with solutions for how to  improve the experience of a class

Class Changes 

  • Class changes are not made after the deadline. Exceptions include:  moving a student who doesn’t speak English out of grade prep classes moving native speakers out of English Immersion classes  
  • Please let your administrator know ASAP on the first day if you have any exceptions and they will work with the program manager to make the adjustments and collect any payment. 
  • Do not, under any circumstance, tell a child or parent that you can move a  student into yours or another class at your location.


  • Classes with students who have severe allergies (anaphylactic) will be designated a  “wipe” class by the site administrator 
  • Instructors will be provided wipes for students to use after snack/recess and lunch  Peanut-free tables are available and families are encouraged to pack nut-free food Food is not allowed in the classroom  


  • Students who require medication during class are required to complete the  Medication Authorization form 
  • Medication will be logged and stored at the front office

Student Expectations

In order to maintain a safe, fun, and enriching environment, all students,  parents/guardians, and IPSF staff are expected to behave in a respectful manner that promotes the safety and well-being of themselves and others.  

  • Inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to: foul language, hurting, teasing,  threatening, tattling, name-calling, discussing the mature subject matter, negative attitude,  back talking to staff, not cooperating or participating, not listening to or following  directions, fighting, littering, stealing, and being in possession of weapons, alcohol,  and/or drugs  

In cases where this is not followed, the child (or children) may be removed from the  program and will not be entitled to a refund of any kind

Parent Communication

First Day email to parents* – email lists can be found in the shared Google  folder 3 days prior to the start of the session 

  • Send from your IPSF email and BCC your list 
  • Introduce yourself and your experience as an instructor  
  • Communicate your excitement and enthusiasm for this opportunity and to work with  their child 
  • Include a general curriculum plan for the 14-day session 

Key topics, novel titles, 1-2 projects, expected outcomes, etc. 

  • Keep it vague enough to allow flexibility in your class but enough detail that parents  have a good overview of what to expect 

Encourage parents to contact you with any questions or if their child will be absent