Step 2 – Player and Reset Functions

Player Function

  • This function is only used in the beginning to create us and our controls. We need to create our sprite and fill it with a preset, give control with buttons, set our position (top left corner), and use the new Scene block “camera follow sprite mySprite” to make the camera follow us around.
  • Don’t forget to add it to your “on start” block.
  • Reset Screen

  • This function will reset our screen back to our “overworld” instead of being on the battle screen.
  • To achieve this, we first need to duplicate our tilemap block. No changes are needed.
  • Add the Sprites block “set mySprite image to” with a duplicate of your trainer sprite.
  • Add a move block making sure to click the plus and have it say 100 for both.
  • Add the Sprites position block filled with new variables “newX” and “newY”. These will hold our location when we enter a battle screen so we don’t end up all the way back at the top.
  • Add the camera block without changing anything.