Next let’s create a function called “createEnemy” and add the shown code inside it.
Notice the position we chose. It will always be on the very right of the screen. However, for the y position, we want it to pick one of our three lanes at random. This is a bit more code and can look a little confusing at first, but it’s not that bad once you understand it.
Next add the code that is shown. This allows us to pick a random value from our array, giving our enemy a random y position to spawn at, but wait we’re not done yet!
Remember, we just can’t pick any random number when using an array. We need to make sure any number we pick is a valid index within the array.
Because of this, the random number we pick must be between 0 and (length of array – 1).
Lastly, add the following code. An enemy should now randomly spawn in each of our three lanes!