Step 6: Adding Rock Collision


Let’s code the rocks in the game.

We want to constantly check if the “Sharky” sprite touched the rocks.

If a rock touches the Shark, then we want to subtract one from the player’s life and then broadcast a new “HealthLost!” message.

Then we need to check that if the player’s Lives is less than 1, then the “GameOver!” message will be sent.


  1. Click on the “Rocks” sprite create the shown code.
  2. From Events, place a when green flag clicked block.
  3. From Control, place a forever block and place an if block inside it.
  4. From Sensing, place a touching mouse-pointer block and change it to touching Sharky.
  5. From Variables, place a change by block and set it to Lives: and set the number to -1.
  6. From Events, place a broadcast block and change it to HealthLost!
  7. From Looks, place a hide block.
  8. From Control, place an if block.
  9. From Operators, place a < block.
  10. From Variables place a Lives: block on the left side of the < block and set the right side to 1.
  11. From Control place a braodcast block and set it to GameOver!
