The Standard in

STEM for




Our educational programs focus on creating the next generation of innovators and thinkers by allowing kids to explore the wonders of STEM

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The Standard in

STEM for




Sign-up for After-school

BrainStorm Science Kits are reliable hands-on STEM learning activities made for the classroom! They are also perfect for experiments at home.

Each STEM kit comes with a building project, kid-friendly step-by-step instructions, quality parts, and everything you need to create. They are tested in real schools so they are clean, fun, fast, safe, and easy – all while exploring STEM topics like engineering and design.

Our kits are specially designed to meet NGSS and Common Core standards!

BrainStorm Science Kits are reliable hands-on STEM learning activities made for the classroom! They are also perfect for experiments at home.

Each STEM kit comes with a building project, kid-friendly step-by-step instructions, quality parts, and everything you need to create. They are tested in real schools so they are clean, fun, fast, safe, and easy – all while exploring STEM topics like engineering and design.

Our kits are specially designed to meet NGSS and Common Core standards!

BrainStorm for Schools

  • In-class Programs

  • After-school Programs

  • Special Events

Want to bring hands-on STEM classes, coding classes, and quality science demonstrations to your school? We bring innovative equipment, experienced instructors, and dozens of well-tested fun experiment activities to any classroom. See why teachers trust BrainStorm to bring in an easy and excellent hands-on STEM education solution!

BrainStorm for Schools

  • In-class Programs

  • After-school Programs

  • Special Events

Want to bring hands-on STEM classes, coding classes, and quality science demonstrations to your school? We bring innovative equipment, experienced instructors, and dozens of well-tested fun experiment activities to any classroom. See why teachers trust BrainStorm to bring in an easy and excellent hands-on STEM education solution!

Trusted by these amazing Schools

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Looking for an After-school STEM camp or class that's FUN and AFFORDABLE?

BrainStorm for Home

  • STEM Activities

  • Online STEM Learning

  • Private Lessons

We offer online coding classes for kids, innovative building kits and science kits, robotics courses, and much more! BrainStorm is a wonderful STEM solution for homeschool and at-home learning because we adapt our tested approach to teaching classes for the online setting. Help your child get an early start to exploring topics like programming, engineering, game design, and robotics!

BrainStorm for Home

  • STEM Activities

  • Online STEM Learning

  • Private Lessons

We offer online coding classes for kids, innovative building kits and science kits, robotics courses, and much more! BrainStorm is a wonderful STEM solution for homeschool and at-home learning because we adapt our tested approach to teaching classes for the online setting. Help your child get an early start to exploring topics like programming, engineering, game design, and robotics!

Sign-up for After-school

New classes bring brand new projects and experiences unlike anything else being offered.

Sign-up for After-school

New classes bring brand new projects and experiences unlike anything else being offered.

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BrainStorm Online

A FREE learning platform with built-in tutorials and hands-on projects.


Learn the essential concepts of programming that are used in all computer languages.

Science Lessons

Learn science concepts and discover the magic behind the principles that shape our understanding of how the world works.

Game Design

Create unique and engaging videogames with the software used by industry experts. Imagine, create, and innovate.


Gain experience in computer-aided design and tools used in engineering, product design, architecture, animation, and more.

Lets get started!
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BrainStorm Stem Education

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    BrainStorm STEM Education

    Tax ID: 45-0680639

    42 Waterworks Way,
    Irvine, CA 92618

    Phone: 1.949.607.8676
    Email: [email protected]


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