
Hands-on STEM for Schools

STEM for Schools

Keeping current with STEM technology makes bringing the very best programs to schools challenging and costly. That’s where we come in! BrainStorm’s full service STEM programs for schools provides a comprehensive solution for high-quality, hands-on STEM lessons directly at your school site

Standards Aligned

Our innovative lessons are NGSS & standards aligned for each specific grade level. Each lesson incorporates an engaging educational presentation followed by hands-on experiences.

Standards Aligned Curriculum

How it works?

Each week our experienced team of instructors will come to your school on selected days providing 60 minute hands-on experiences for every class over the course of each month. To ensure the highest-quality experience, we provide state-of-the-art equipment to maximize student outcomes and engagement. This enables us to transform any classroom into a fully-equipped STEM Innovation Lab!

Get Excited to bring Immersive STEM to your school!

The process is easy!

Talk to an STEM Expert

We understand that every school has unique needs and goals. Our STEM camps can be tailored to align with your curriculum and objectives, ensuring that students not only have fun but also gain valuable skills that complement their classroom learning. Contact us and speak directly with a program specialist.

Get a Custom Tailored Schedule

We provide all of the curriculum, staff, and equipment, which makes implementation for schools very easy. Our staff is highly trained and capable of any situation.

Enjoy the latest and greatest in STEM

Our experienced team of instructors will come to your school and work directly with your students to bring immersive STEM experiences that compliment your current curriculum. Each lesson is custom-tailored to the age and experience of your students!

Cutting-Edge Curriculum

Our technology and tools are state-of-the-art and constantly evolving. Gain access to $500k in cutting edge equipment.

Best in-Class Curriculum

Our STEM program serves our students’ natural interest, engages them through experiential, project-based curriculum, allows them to make sense of the technological world, builds critical and creative thinking and higher-order reasoning skills, and prepares them for college majors and careers in science, technology, engineering and math fields.

Further, we understand the importance and interdisciplinary nature of STEAM concepts today and their evolution in the future, and feel the reach of STEAM into their everyday lives.


We are dedicated to building partnerships that simplify STEM integration in schools.


We use the latest technology to enhance the learning experience.


Our program provides schools and their students with a structured path for every grade and skill level.

Expert Educators

Our amazing teachers have been carefully selected and trained to provide the highest-quality experience for our students.

From the classroom

Schools Share Their STEM Success Stories!

“My kids look forward to this class every week and get visibly excited when they see the BrainStorm Van in the parking lot!"
Beacon Park Elementary
"We have really enjoyed working with BrainStorm. The materials and instructors have been stellar. Lots of hands-on learning, collaboration, and exploration."
Portola Springs Elementary
"Great lessons with knowledgeable instructors who were good with all students, including neurodiverse students."
Santa Ana USD
"Highly engaging and hands on!"
Cypress Village
"Thank you for helping us bring our students into the 21st Century!
Washington Elementary
"Very Exciting hands on lessons for the students!"
St. Bonaventure

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