Step 13: TIE-Fighter Time-Bomb Collision


Our Bomb is now ready to be fired, but we still need to program our enemies to explode when they touch it.

We already have one enemy, the TIE-Fighter, who can collide with the laser. Let’s add some code to this enemy so that it can also collide with the Time-Bomb.


  1. Select the sprite called TIE-Fighter.
  2. Find the block of code that starts with “When I start as a clone”, and has all of our collision IF statements in it.
  3. Right-Click the IF statement block that deals with the X-Wing Collision and select duplicate.
  4. Drag and place the newly created code below the IF statement block for the X-Wing collision.
  5. Change the touching block in the new code to “Time_Bomb.
  6.  Change the amount in the new change score block to 1.


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