Step 12


The next step is to program Yoda to make him follow the Mandalorian.


  1. From Events, place a when I receive block and select yodaSaved.
  2. From Control, place a forever block.
  3. Click on Motion.
  4. Drag glide 1 secs to into the forever loop and select Sprite 1.


Now, it’s time to animate the Yoda to make it look like he is blinking and moving his ears.


  1. From Events, place a when green flag clicked block.
  2. From Motion, place a go to X/Y block.
  3. From Control, place a forever block.
  4. Click on Looks.
  5. Drag next costume into the forever loop.
  6. From Control, add a wait block.
  7. Edit the seconds to .2.
