Step 3: TIE-Fighter Clone Appear and Move


Our TIE-Fighter now has a randomly created spawn rate and location, but it still doesn’t do anything once it spawns.

Before we make the TIE-Fighter move, we need to make sure we can see it. We need to make sure it has the right costume, is visible, and is on the right layer. We also want to place the forever block that will control all of its action as well as its movement code.


  1. From Control, place a when I start as clone block.
  2. From Looks, place switch costume block and set it to TIE_Fighter.
  3. From Looks, place a go to front layer block.
  4. From Looks, place a show block.
  5. From Control, place a forever block.
  6. From Motion, place a change y by block inside of the forever block, and set it to -4.


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