Creating the loop body

Next, we want to create the loop section of our code, that will count down from 99 to 0. Make sure you don’t delete the code from the last section, place this underneath it. First, make a new variable to represent the number of containers on the wall.

on_the_wall = 99

Then, underneath that, create our while loop, with the condition that it will run as long as our variable is greater than 0

on_the_wall = 99
while (on_the_wall > 0):

Last, make sure that we are subtracting one from our loop every time it runs.

on_the_wall = 99
while (on_the_wall > 0):
    on_the_wall = on_the_wall - 1

The project so far should look as follows

container = input("Please enter a container: ")
filling = input("Please enter a filling: ")

on_the_wall = 99
while (on_the_wall > 0):
    on_the_wall = on_the_wall - 1