Reinforce Appropriate Behavior
- Use positive reinforcement with individual students when good behavior and projects are being demonstrated. Give praise to the entire class as frequently as possible (e.g., “Thank you for working so quietly,” or “I’m delighted to see you all working so well today”).
Maintain Student Dignity
- When corrections are necessary handle situations quietly and calmly. Don’t make a big deal in front of the whole class. Talk to the student in private to ascertain the reason for his/her misbehavior.
- Circulate around the room frequently, to avert potential behavior problems.
Be Neutral, Not Accusatory
- When problems arise, don’t ask, for example, ““Why did you take her LEGO minifigure?” Instead, ask what happened, opening the way for students to tell their story. Follow up with questions such as “How do you think that made her feel?”
Connect with Students
- Show your students that you take an interest in them. Show that you like them and that they belong in your classroom. Take advantage of the student’s interests and individually tailor their projects to them if possible.
Finding Success
- Make your lesson an experience that will allow the student to gain self-esteem because he/she is successful.
- Make goals that are challenging, but attainable.
- Use incentives in the classroom to reinforce motivation toward accomplishment (i.e., prizes).
Raising Hands
- Students need to raise their hands before speaking in class or to get the teacher’s attention during project time.
Rule Review
- Periodically review the rules and procedures of the classroom until the students can successfully adhere to them.